Bible Bashing 101

By Zack - March 14, 2012

So after 2 years of Mormon missionary service I came up with this... I made it in 2007.

You can be baptized on the spot – Acts 8:37-38
If someone is afraid of what their parents might say - Mat. 10:37
Laying on of Hands: Acts 8:4-17, Num. 27:18,22-23 , Acts  19:2-6, 1 Tim. 4:14, 2 Tim. 1:6, Deut. 34:9, Mark 6:5, Acts 6:5-6  8:14-17 9:12,17-18  28:8   Hebrews 6:2
Authority of God: Mat 10:1, Luc 9:1, John 3:27; 9:11,15-16 Heb. 5:4; 5:5-6; 7:11-17, 24   1 Peter 4:11, Num. 3:3
Prophets: Amos 3:7, Luke 1:70
Limitations of Aaronic Priesthood: Acts 8:5, 12-17
Re-baptism: Acts 19:1-6
Law of Witnesses: 2 Corinth. 13:1, John 8:17, Mat. 18:16
Saints: Eph. 2:19, 2 Cor. 8:4, 1 Cor. 14:33
Trinity: Mat 3, John 14:26, 1 Cor. 8:6, John 1:1-14, Mat. 4:10, 1Tim 3:16, 1 John 5:7, Mosiah 15:1-2
Unauthorized Authority: Num 12, 16, 1 Cron. 13:10, 2 Cron. 6, 1 Sam 10, 13:5-14, Acts 19:13-17, 2 Sam. 6:7
1ST Search the Kingdom of God: Mat. 6:31-33
Holy Ghost: 1 Kings 19:11-12, 1 Sam 3:10
Jesus Christ appeared to 512 people or more: 1 Cor. 15:6

Jews/The Adventists of the 7th Day

Founder: William Miller (1782) “End of world would be in 1943”. In 1863 His church was formally organized.

Beliefs *Christ stayed in the tomb on Saturday to keep the Sabbath day holy
*Christ didn’t change the Sabbath day to Sunday and that we have to keep the law of     Moses still
            *You get authority by knowing the Bible.
Scriptures to prove wrong:
            *Law of Moses was fulfilled: Mat. 5:17-18, Galat. 3:24, Hosea 2:11
            *Apostles met on the 1st day of the week after the Resurrection: Jn. 20:19;20:26,   Acts 20:7,   1 Cor. 16:1-2, Acts 2:1-4
            *Law or Pact of Moses was given only to his people: Deut. 5:2, 3-12, 15
            *When Priesthood changes, laws change: Heb. 7:11-12
            *New Pact: Heb.8:6-9, James 1:25
Rev. 1:10 – In some versions it says the word “Sunday”…Sabbath in others.

Protestant/Evangelist Churches

*God wants us to belong to the true church! Eph. 4:11-12, 1Tim 2:3-4, Mat. 5:48, 7:13-14
* Can any church of Christ do? NO!! Christ placed only 1 church, no more, no less. Eph. 4:5
            There is only 1 Church that can be true! – 1 Cor. 1:12-13
*Authority is a MUST to do the ordinances of the Gospel!! Heb. 5:4 à Ex. 28:1, 41; 40:13-15
*Faith is NOT enough to be saved/ a man CANNOT atone for his own sins
*They confuse salvation, life eternal and good works
            James 2:19-26, Mat 7:13-14, 21,23; 10:22 Galatians 6:7-9, Rom. 2:5-11
*There can be scripture in the last days! Jn. 21:25, 2, Revelations 22:18-19, Ezek. 37:15-17

*Name of the church of Christ: 3 Nep. 27:3-8
*We can’t sell the benefits (baptism, confirmation) of the church: Acts 8:20
*Baptism by immersion: Rom. 6:3-5, Mat 3:13-14, Jn. 3:23, Mark 1:4-5
*Sin of Adam is abolished! :1 Cor 15:22, Ez. 18:19-20, 1 Jn 2:12, Mat. 18:3-4, Deut. 24:16, Eph. 5:5, Mark 10:14
*Vicarious work: 1 Cor. 15:29
*We can’t worship paintings/IDOLS (virgin mary/Guadalupe) : Deut. 5:7-8, Luke 11:27-28, Acts 4:11-12
*Latin Cults: 1 Cor. 14:4,9,19
*Idols: Ex. 20:4-5, Lev. 26:1, Psalms 115:3-8, Acts 3:8
*Celibacy (Restriction of Bishops being married) :1 Tim. 3:2, 4:3
*Rosary (Repeated prayer, etc) : Mat. 6:5-7
*Inquisition Mat. 5:4, Ex. 20:13
*Indulgences: Micah 3:11
*Confession: Rom. 14:4
*Doctrine of Limbo (where babys go; state of nothingness) 1 Cor. 15:21-22
*Marriage: 1 Cor.11:11, Gen 2:18; 2:24

Jehovah’s Witnesses
                                      What they say.                                                The Truth
Only 144,000 will go with God
Rev. 7:3-8 (what is your tribe?)
144,000 will be saved
Mark 16:15-16, Jn 3:5, Mat. 7:21, 1 Tim. 2:3-4
Christ came in 1914 as a Spirit to establish his kingdom. (them)
Mat. 24:23-26, Acts 1:11, Rev. 1:7
We don’t need prophets because the written word is enough
Eph. 2:19-20, 4:11-14

Why isn’t Joseph Smith in the bible….( or Jeremiah before birth, or Isaiah??) Ask: When did they finish writing the Bible?
Num. 11:29, Amos 3:7, 1 Cor. 12:28-31, 14:1
There is no more revelation
Prov. 29:18, Mat. 16:13-19
There was 1 perfect church and that they were translated.
Acts 1:21-26, Gal. 1:1, Acts 14:23 (They added more apostles/members)
Their baptism is valid because of Mat. 28:19 (refers to apostle not them)
Acts 19:13-16, Jer. 23-21
They received their authority from the Bible
Acts 13:2-3, Gal. 1:11-12
There isn’t spirit in man.
Jn. 6:63, Ecles. 12:7, Zac. 12:1, Job. 32:8, Num. 16:22
You can’t see God and live.
Judges 13:22-23, Gen. 17:22;18:1,22;32:30;35:9;48:3, Ex. 3:6;4:5;24:9-10;33:23;Num. 12:6-8, Deut. 34:10, Is. 6:1,5    Kings 11:9

Only their church will be saved
1 Cor. 15:21-22
People who die without baptism go to Hell
Gen 35:29, 25:8
We can’t be in the Army.
Luke 22:35-58
Can’t dance
Ecls. 3:3-4
Can’t salute flag
1 Ped. 2:13-14, Rom. 13:12
Jehovah is not Jesus Christ
Ex. 3:14, Jn. 8:58;18:5,6,8 (“ I AM”)

Is. 41:1;44:6;48:72, Rev. 1:11-17;2:8;22:13 Is. 6:1, Jn 12:37-41 (“ First and the Last”)

Psalms 96:13 ~ Jn. 5:22,   Zac. 12:10
                           Random Answers to Some Questions

Ladies get married: 1 Cor. 7:9
Money wasters: 2 nep. 9:51
No witchcraft: Deut. 18:10-12
No transsexuals: Deut. 23:1
Gossip: 1 Tim. 5:13, Prov. 21:19
Shut up: 1 Cor. 14:33-34
Don’t imitate the bad: 3 Jn. 1:11
Atheism: Psalms 14:1
No contention: 1 Cor. 11:16
Don’t be picky: Luke 10:8

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  1. I applaud your blog! Your compilation is impressive.

    The big difference between Jehovah's Witnesses and Christians is that the Watchtower Society's central core creed proclaims Jesus second coming in October 1914.
    They sometimes try to obscure this today and say that he came 'invisibly'.Yes,all other Christians are awaiting Jesus return,the JW say he ALREADY came in 1914.
    Danny Haszard
